
What is a DTS

The School of Training and Discipleship (YWAM DTS) gives you the opportunity to discover your passions and your part in God’s purposes for the world. It is for those who wish to follow Jesus in a new way, with a different perspective and who wish to embark on an adventure with God that will change their lives. In six intensive months, you will learn about God and yourself, get to know different cultures and learn what it really means to follow Jesus.

A discipleship training school (or DTS) is a full-time program that consists of two parts: lecture phase and outreach phase. In the lecture phase, you will learn more about God and His Kingdom. You’ll learn not only from lectures, but also from community living and practical training. The outreach phase focuses on applying what you learned during lecture phase through a cross-cultural experience.

Let the journey begin!

Discipleship Training School


OMT (Bible – Oral Mother Tongue)

8 + 6 =

  • UofN Code: DSP 211/212
  • Begins: 22, September 2024
  • Lecture fase end: 14, Dez 2024
  • Outreach end: 22, Fev 2025
  • Length: 6 months
  • Language(s): English, Portuguese, Ukraine and German
  • Outreach Location(s): multiple
  • Related passion: Oral Mother Tongue
  • Region & Country: Europe, Germany
  • Values (theoretical period)
  • Values (outreah period)
    • €2.000 – 3.000

Country Classification Table

Identify your country in the tables and discover its classification to determine the value of your school

Country A
A – Andorra
A – Antigua & Barbados
A – Aruba
A – Australia
A – Austria
A – Bahamas, The
A – Bahrain
A – Barbados
A – Belgium
A – Bermuda
A – British Virgin Islands
A – Brunei
A – Canada
A – Cayman Islands
A – Croatia
A – Cyprus
A – Czech Republic
A – Denmark
A – Equatorial Guinea
A – Estonia
A – Falkland Islands
A – Faroe Islands
A – Finland
A – France
A – French Polynesia
A – Germany
A – Gibraltar
A – Greece
A – Greenland
A – Guam
A – Guernsey
A – Hong Kong
A – Hungary
A – Iceland
A – Ireland
A – Israel
A – Italy
A – Japan
A – Korea, South
A – Kuwait
A – Liechtenstein
A – Lithuania
A – Luxembourg
A – Macau
A – Malta
A – Man, Isle of
A – Monaco
A – Netherlands
A – Netherlands Antilles
A – New Caledonia
A – New Zealand
A – Norway
A – Oman
A – Poland
A – Portugal
A – Puerto Rico
A – Qatar
A – Saint Kitts & Nevis
A – San Marino
A – Saudi Arabia
A – Seychelles
A – Singapore
A – Slovakia
A – Slovenia
A – Spain
A – Sweden
A – Switzerland
A – Taiwan
A – Trinidad & Tobago
A – United Arab Emirates
A – United Kingdom
A – United States
A – Virgin Islands
Country B
B – American Samoa
B – Anguilla
B – Argentina
B – Azerbaijan
B – Belarus
B – Belize
B – Botswana
B – Brazil
B – Bulgaria
B – Chile
B – Colombia
B – Cook Islands
B – Costa Rica
B – Cuba
B – Dominica
B – Dominican Republic
B – Ecuador
B – El Salvador
B – Gabon
B – Grenada
B – Iran
B – Jamaica
B – Kazakhstan
B – Latvia
B – Lebanon
B – Libya
B – Macedonia
B – Malaysia
B – Mauritius
B – Mexico
B – Montenegro
B – Northern Mariana Isla.
B – Palau Islands
B – Panama
B – Peru
B – Romania
B – Russia
B – Saint Lucia
B – Saint Vincent & Grenadines
B – Serbia
B – South Africa
B – Suriname
B – Thailand
B – Tunisia
B – Turkey
B – Turks & Caicos Islands
B – Uruguay
B – Venezuela
Country C
C – Afghanistan
C – Albania
C – Algeria
C – Angola
C – Armenia
C – Bangladesh
C – Benin
C – Bhutan
C – Bolivia
C – Bosnia and Herzegovina
C – Burkina Faso
C – Burundi
C – Cambodia
C – Cameroon
C – Cape Verde Islands
C – Central Africa Republic
C – Chad
C – China
C – Comoros Islands
C – Congo, Dem Rep of the
C – Congo, Republic of the
C – Cote de Ivoire
C – Djibouti
C – East Timor
C – Egypt
C – Eritrea
C – Ethiopia
C – Fiji
C – Gambia, The
C – Gaza Strip (Inc. West Bank)
C – Georgia
C – Ghana
C – Guatemala
C – Guinea
C – Guinea-Bissau
C – Guyana
C – Haiti
C – Honduras
C – India
C – Indonesia
C – Iraq
C – Jordan
C – Kenya
C – Kiribati
C – Korea, North
C – Kosovo
C – Kyrgyzstan
C – Laos
C – Lesotho
C – Liberia
C – Madagascar
C – Malawi
C – Maldives
C – Mali
C – Marshall Islands
C – Mauritania
C – Mayotte
C – Micronesia, Federal States of
C – Moldova
C – Mongolia
C – Montserrat
C – Morocco
C – Mozambique
C – Myanmar
C – Namibia
C – Nauru
C – Nepal
C – Nicaragua
C – Niger
C – Nigeria
C – Niue
C – Pakistan
C – Papua New Guinea
C – Paraguay
C – Philippines
C – Rwanda
C – Saint Helena
C – Saint Pierre & Miquellon
C – Samoa
C – Sao Tome & Principe
C – Senegal
C – Sierra Leone
C – Solomon Islands
C – Somalia
C – Sri Lanka
C – Sudan
C – Swaziland
C – Syria
C – Tajikistan
C – Tanzania
C – Togo
C – Tokelau
C – Tonga
C – Turkmenistan
C – Tuvalu
C – Uganda
C – Ukraine
C – Uzbekistan
C – Vanuatu
C – Vietnam
C – Wallis and Futuna
C – West Bank
C – Yemen
C – Zambia
C – Zimbabwe