

Every Christian plays a key role in the Great Commission.

You can get involved with YWAM Bad Blankenburg by volunteering; investing as a supporter; receiving training, joining our team of missionaries as a staff. Contact us now!

We can help you make the choice that is right for you, considering your professional and ministry profile.

ywambb // photogen-x

PhotogenX YWAM Bad Blankenburg, is a new base of Youth with a Mission Germany.

We’re located in the small town of Bad Blankenburg in the middle of Germany. As YWAM we continue God’s calling for this building that he gave in 1925 when four men of God laid the foundation for this former Christian printing press.

Unfortunately, in 1972 the communist government took over the building to use it as a secular printing press.

Now, after over 40 years, God is restoring its original calling to be a place from which the good news of Jesus Christ is spread out through modern media!

We as YWAM Bad Blankenburg seek to call out young people to stand up for the poor and the people in need. We fight for justice by helping through mercy ministries. Walking in the calling of photogenX, we also use media as a tool to speak out for those who have no voice.

Find Your Place in God’s Great Commission

Encounter God in new ways as you find your place in His global purposes. Dive deeper in relationship with Him as you bring His hope to the nations. Whether you come for a Discipleship Training School, to be further equipped for your call, or to serve with us in missions, there is a place for you in our international missions community!


As YWAMers, our goal is to know God and make Him known,
and here in Bad Blankerburg we start our mission with our community. Check it out!

A Voice to the Refugees

YWAM Bad Blankenburg mission is to mobilize the YWAM family to engage with refugees and migrants in a loving way, serving them on their journey to safety and a new home by facilitating teams that want to respond to a harvest that is ready.

Kid’s Ministry

In our kids ministry, we have kids with different ages, culture and nations. Through our programs, they learn how to build relationship despite of their different backgrounds. Our goal is that every single little one will know God’s love and learn how to show it to others.

Bible Distribution

“The Bible for All” is an initiative of Youth with a mission in collaboration with the local churches, the Ev. Allianz and the Zinzendorf Institute and the German Bible Society. We wish you much gain, empowerment, comfort, and direction when reading the Bible!

Symphony of Hope

Symphony of hope is an opportunity for kids, teenagers and young adults from different nations and backgrounds to learn how to play the violin. Music makes it possible to speak the same language no matter where you come from. It teaches the students how they can influence the world with music and the gospel.

Harfe Abend

Harfe Abend is a weekly community night where people gather to learn more about God and to get to know each other. Here we have people from many different nations, all together to worship and praise God.

Boutique Ministry

Boutique is a cute bazaar. It is a place where people can come get clothes and other necessities, and spend a good time with our team of staffs. We accept donations from the community to serve and love people. If you would like to donate some items, let us know.

Contact Us

Wirbacher Str.2
Bad Blankenburg – 07422
Thüringen | Germany 
+49 36741 599 88 20

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